It was late last July when Microsoft commenced Windows 10. Since then they have been working hard to add, subtract, modify and improve its features. So as the marking of a year nears, Microsoft will blow out its candles with a Windows 10’s Anniversary Upgrade which comes out August 2. 2016.
A deeper look into the upgrade is sure to impress the consumers. It seems to be more polished and has been tweaked according to the feedback received from the users. Like any faithful and persistent service provider, Microsoft has not failed to excite.
After months of fine tuning experts believe that the Windows 10 Anniversary Upgrade is finally ready for the eager anticipatory masses.
Here are some features included in the Upgrade which are worth mentioning.
Windows Ink
Windows Ink was limited in Windows 10, but now it is the new and improved version and gives Windows 10 a new feel. This will be a people’s pleaser for those who like to use the stylus. Windows Ink is basically a central location where built in and third party apps that work with your stylus can be found.
The stylus can be used with the sticky notes, the virtual ruler and the sketch pad as well. Doodle, draw, or take notes. It’s a seamless blend of stylus and touch.
Edge Extensions
The Windows 10 Anniversary Upgrade provides a somewhat better version of Edge, which is Microsoft’s integrated browser. It is still a bit slow but it has improved with time. It can now add extensions, sync with cloud and can also integrate with Cortana.
Minute additional features have been added as well such as web notifications, and the view of a history tab when the back button is right clicked just to name a few. A tip for the consumers; install a blocker and Edge will be in the same league as other browsers.
 Microsoft’s digital intelligence has become ‘smarter’ with time. It will play music, set a reminder and even make a note and send files to a friend when asked to do so. The best part is, login is not required for any of this.
Automatic switching of time zones
 So finally the digital clock doesn’t have to be reset manually during travel. With the Anniversary Update brings this feature to the table at last. Better late than never. Having said this, Microsoft hasn’t changed the settings to change the time ‘by defualt’ so the consumer will have to enable it from the settings app.
Windows Hello
 The Windows 10 Anniversary Upgrade has a really cool feature called Windows hello. It uses a special camera on laptops and PCs and does a face scan so the user can log in without a password. It rarely fails and shows good competency so far. Beats fingerprints and retinal scans. It’s one of the best features. Effortless.
PC projection
 An innovative feature that the Anniversary Upgrade offers is ‘Project to PC’. It can be useful for entrepreneurs, engineers and other professionals of the sort. It allows the user to project your own display onto a nearby PC or phone and control its peripherals.
So these are just some of the features that the Anniversary Upgrade is rolling out. Check it out for yourself and celebrate Windows 10’sits first birthday!