The smartphone e-brand, Huawei honor has predicted that this summer, people who go on vacation will end up spending 26 hours a week on their smartphone.
Many people are expected to spend almost an hour a day on taking photos with their phones as well as spend at least 20 to 40 minutes checking and posting on social media every day. Before smartphones, the more important accessory when travelling was the camera, however now 9 in 10 people believe that their smartphone has more significance to them. This shows how important these mobile devices are to peoples lifestyles nowadays.
It is very surprising that when people go on vacation they spend half their time on their smartphones. It isn’t very surprising that smartphones have become such an integral and influential part of people lifestyles.
Their also seems to be a very noteworthy difference in smartphone behaviour between UAE and KSA holiday-makers, according to Huawei honor. People in the kingdom tend to mostly use their smartphone for making calls, playing video games and most importantly, taking photos when they are on vacation.
There is now free and public Wi-Fi everywhere in the world that has made a significant increase in smartphone usage for working professional and vacation-goers. There are free access points in restaurants, hotels, airports, bookstores, and even random retail outlets. However this also comes with many risks which a lot of people aren’t aware of when it comes to the connections.
Hackers can browse on public Wi-Fi networks in order to intercept data that is transferred across links. This enables these criminals to access a user’s banking credentials, account password and other valuable information.
Kaspersky lab conducted a study of different markets around the world and discovered that eight out of 10 people always tend to access Wi-Fi networks are airport terminals and hotels.
The study found that by the time travelers are leaving the airport, 44 per cent have already gone online. Â 69 per cent of people try to use the public Wi-Fi to connect with their families and let them know that they arrived safely.
Unsecured Wi-Fi connections have been used in the past by hackers to dispense malware. Hackers can easily plant infected software on people computer when they allow file-sharing across a network. Some hackers even go to the extent of hacking a connection point that causes a pop-up window to appear when people are trying to connect to the wide.