A one, and a two, and a three, and a floor. If work, family, and life responsibilities have you feeling like blinking your eyes counts as exercise, then you are in the right place. We get it. A packed schedule and too many to do’s can sometimes make it nearly impossible to move your body to anyplace beyond your bed. When you’re short on time, it’s all about cueing in the creativity to incorporate effective exercises into your everyday schedule. Check out these 5 ways to exercise when you don’t have time. They are sure to get your heart pumping, your energy flowing, and your spirit glowing!
Bathroom Break Booty Boosters
Make a pact with yourself that every time you use the bathroom you do a set of 25 squats or lunges. Don’t forget to stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water, which means frequent trips to the bathroom… which means you’ll have a more toned tushy in no time!
Commercial Calisthenics – 10 Ways to Exercise When You Don’t Have Time

You can have your “Netflix and Chill” and exercise too. Whether you are watching a program on T.V. or a streaming a series, make good use out of the commercial breaks or pauses between episodes to do at least 1 minute of calisthenics. Some great at home exercises: pushups, planks, burpees, jumping jacks, sit ups, tricep dips, squats, lunges, jump squats, wall sits, step ups (on a chair), and calf raises.
Lunchtime Legs
During your daily lunch break, sneak in a quick 10-minute leg work out before you head back into the office. You don’t need any fancy equipment to get an effective pump! Just follow this simple circuit until your 10 minutes is up: 20 squats, 20 lunges (10 per side), 20 sumo squats, 20 calf raises, 40 leg raises (20 per side).
Healthy Commuting – 10 Ways to Exercise When You Don’t Have Time
If possible, why not intertwine daily tasks with exercise? While driving offers convenience, it is not terribly active in combatting calories. Why not walk to your local grocery store, assuming your grocery adventure isn’t too exorbitant, as opposed to driving? Any local errand can accommodate exercise, if one has the temerity to pursue it.

Family Time

Allocating time to one’s family is an extremely practical way of gathering exercise. Why not engage in a daily walk with one’s family, especially in a time where we’re all too saturated with the influence of technology? Pursing other activities that mesh with your children’s interest also provide another family-fun exercise, especially if one elects to be a coach. There are numerous ways to fashion a family that prioritizes exercise.
Household Chores – 10 Ways to Exercise When You Don’t Have Time

Household chores can also offer a semblance of exercise akin to a common walk. Mowing the lawn requires physical exertion, hence it mitigates calories. Washing the car, it’s a physical and mental endeavor. No, its not what we typically view as exercise, but one doesn’t need to put on gym shorts to exercise.
Walk Your Dog

If one is a proud owner of a dog, it makes consummate sense to participate in walks with him or her. You will gather steps, your dog will enjoy a magical experience. It’s a mutual endeavor that enlivens both partners.
Be a Stair Master – 10 Ways to Exercise When You Don’t Have Time

Always, always, always take the stairs. It’s as easy as that! Taking the stairs works out your quadriceps, calves, hip flexors, gluteal muscles, and hamstrings.
Pace While Emailing

Digital correspondence can consume a large amount of one’s day. Instead of gently sitting and patiently responding, if one is eager for exercise, it may be more prudent to sacrifice the computer for one’s phone. Emails can be regulated via a cellphone, it’s not necessarily confined to your laptop or desktop. Pace with your phone while you exercise, whether that is walking or other things that keep you active.
Sleepy Time Stretching – 10 Ways to Exercise When You Don’t Have Time
Wind down from your day and get ready for a cozy night of sleep by giving your body some TLC with bed yoga (yes, it’s a thing!). Whether you are looking for a brief 5-minute routine or a longer series, a quick search of the internet will give you a variety of videos to choose from. Simply type “Bed Yoga” into the search bar.
Is working out for only a few minutes’ worth it? Our philosophy is that something is always better than nothing when it comes to exercise and moving your body. Still not convinced. Here are some quick facts about the benefits of what “just a little” exercise can do (or the lack of it):
- Five minutes of movement every hour can end up burning an additional 1,000 calories a week!
- Inactivity and sitting for long period of time has been shown to drain brain power and creativity. Set an alarm to stand up and move around for at least 2 minutes every half hour.
- Exercising reduces your risk of a whole host of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and dementia.
Your health is worth it. Your happiness is worth it. YOU are worth it. Now go on and get moving!
Related articles on Wizefind.com:
10 Outdoor Exercises to Build Muscle Tone
10 Exercises for Shapely Shoulders
For more information of exercise routines, please reference these articles:
Exercises You Can Do While Binge Watching Your Favorite Show
10 Exercise Activities You Can Try At Home